Our sexuality is truly a multi-faceted entity. It is not simply one thing. Sexuality is complex. It is not static and can change over time as we do. And it can certainly impact our sexual health if we are not in tune with it in a healthy fashion. Our sexuality is not simply sexual activity. It is reflection of who we are, our identity and our being. It is an important and dynamic part of everyone.
The World Health Organization currently has a working definition of sexuality as the following:
“Sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and encompasses sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviours, practices, roles and relationships. While sexuality can include all of these dimensions, not all of them are always experienced or expressed. Sexuality is influenced by the interaction of biological, psychological, social, economic, political, cultural, ethical, legal, historical, religious and spiritual factors.”
This working definition shows the multi-faceted aspects of sexuality. It is not just one thing or dependent upon one condition. It is impacted by so many internal and external factors that is 100% unique for every single person. And it can change as our circumstances or beliefs change as well.
Sexual Health
Sexual Health is made up of many different components, all of which are extremely important. Options for Sexual Health has the following definition and list of some of the components of sexual health.
How we define sexual health will be different for each person. The reason is that sexual health is influenced by many personal and social factors such as:
- Our values and beliefs
- Upbringing
- Culture
- Religion
- Indigenous Status
- Spirituality
- The people around us
- Our personal experiences
- Societal expectations
- Legal and/or sexual rights
Sexual health is personal, psychological, relational, cultural, spiritual, physical, and emotional.” Based on this, there is not one thing in our lives that does not impact or have the ability to impact our sexual health and sexuality.
Maintaining our Health
Sexual Health is just as important to maintain as is our physical, mental, and emotional health. Understanding our bodies and our beliefs, and how they impact one another, is an important step in self-awareness and positive health benefits in maintaining our sexual health. Sexuality is something to be explored and acknowledged. The more society normalizes speaking about sexual health and well-being, the easier it will become for people to maintain theirs.
Sexual wellness is imperative for one’s overall health. Make sure you are taking care of yours!